Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dear Hudson,

You were 3 months old yesterday and mommy cannot believe it! It seems like yesterday I was holding you for the first time. I can't believe how much you have grown and changed already. You are "talking" and laughing and smiling all the time now. You are such a happy baby and I love to see you smile. You are especially happy in the mornings right when you wake up. You will give mommy a huge grin and we pull you into bed with us for a few minutes and you coo and laugh and flail your little arms around and kick like crazy. We love our mornings with you! You still love your swing and you love staring and cooing at the little lambs spinning above you. You love to lay on your playmat and kick the animals hanging down, but still aren't a fan of tummy time. You LOVE lights and shopping. We took you to City Creek with Grammy for the first time this month and you loved seeing the lights, you looked all around. You also like to look at the Christmas tree lights. We can't wait to take you to the Riverwoods to see all of the lights and Santa! They have the best lights and you will love it. We are trying to wait till it gets above freezing to take you. You love bath time and when we take your clothes off. You laugh a lot when we pull your arms out of your sleeves and when Daddy kisses your tummy. You still have lots of happy and funny dreams. And some scary or sad ones and that breaks my heart. You really only cry when you are hungry, tired, or by yourself in the backseat (I really hate that, it's so sad). But, oh my gosh, your sad face is the saddest. You pucker out your bottom lip as far as you can. It's so pitiful. Most of the time, I have to nurse you or rock you to sleep. You like it when I rock you in our big comfy glider, hold your paci in, face you towards me, and pat your little bum. It always puts you right to sleep. You sleep pretty well at night, for the most part. We usually swaddle you and nurse you around 10 or 11 and you then sleep till 5 or 6, then I feed you again and you usually are awake for the day around 7. You still don't like to sleep flat. You sleep in your "monkey bed" next to my side of the bed. I never want to move you to your own room. I'll miss you too much and worry about you. You also like it when we read books and when I sing to you (sometimes). You are the sweetest, cutest baby ever with just the right amount of chub and the best smiles and sounds. I don't think it's possible for a mother to love a baby more than I love you. I love you the most! Thanks for making me a mother and for letting us figure this whole parent thing out. We are really just winging it, but so far you don't seem to mind. :)


1 comment:

  1. Please keep posting away. I love all the photos and everything you have to say. It makes me so excited!!!!!! & it doesn't feel like we are so far away from you all!
