Sunday, January 12, 2014

Four Months!

Hudson was 4 months old on the fourth! Clay's family and our friend Leah were here visiting from Florida, so I am just getting around to documenting his 4 month updates!

-He weighs 15 pounds 7 ounces and is in the 50th percentile for weight. He is 26 inches long and in the 84th percentile for height! He is going to be a big boy like his daddy.

-He smiles and laughs all the time! He is such a happy baby! Things that make him laugh: mommy dancing, daddy singing, daddy's kisses on his tummy, taking his sleeves off his arms, pulling him up to sit up, tickling his belly, neck, or armpits, "eating" his legs or arms and making snorting sounds. (Yeah we will pretty much do anything to hear this sweet boy laugh!)

-He now eats every 3-4 hours and we are going to start him on solids soon. 

-He is still going through his 4 month sleep regression. Every night is different. Sometimes he goes to sleep at 9 and wakes up once. Other nights he won't go to sleep till 11 and wakes up 3-4 times a night to eat and goes right back to sleep. He still sleeps in his monkey bed. I am still scared to move him to his crib in his room, but he will probably outgrow his monkey bed soon. He really fights naps during the day if we are at home. He sleeps well in his carseat while we are out, but hates his carseat if he is awake.

-He wears 3-6 month clothes and is starting to wear 6-9 or 6-12 month clothes already and he HATES uncomfortable clothes, anything stiff or with collars. Dressing him for church is an issue! 

-He has just started lifting out of his Puj bath tub! He lifts up his bottom and splashes back down! I think it is time for a big boy tub! 

-He has started reaching for things and has the tightest grip! Especially on my hair! He also puts everything in his mouth! His favorite toys are his "peas and carrots" (a teething ring) from Aunt Leigh Anna and his playmat. He also LOVES books. He gets so excited when we read to him and he turns the pages!

-He calms down and goes to sleep when I sing to him and laughs when daddy sings to him! (So funny!)

-He loves going out and notices everything now! He loves to see other babies! He coos and gets all excited!

-He does not like being held like a baby anymore, only sitting up and out facing everyone unless he is eating. He likes to stand up too! He is so strong! He still doesn't love tummy time, but is getting better! 

-He just figured out he has feet and that he can grab them! It's his new favorite and so so cute!

-He has a bald stripe on his head! It's so funny and it is a perfect line! Like he has a bowl cut or something! I used to make fun of babies with bald spots, but I love his! I kiss it all day long! It's starting to grow in and I'm a little sad about it! 

I can't believe how fast he is changing! In some ways, it feels like he was just born yesterday, but in others it feels like he has been here forever! I can't imagine life without him now. He is the best! I love going to sleep next to him and waking up to him! Even if he is crying when he wakes up, he will always give me a big grin when I look down at him! He brings us so much joy! 

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