Towards the end of my pregnancy, I started to get VERY impatient. I wanted my baby NOW. At my 37 week appointment, one of my midwives told me that I was already 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced and that I could possibly schedule an elective induction for 39 weeks if I progressed a little bit more by my next appointment. I did EVERYTHING I could. My midwife told me that I could take evening primrose oil, red leaf raspberry tea, and to walk a lot. At my 38 week appointment, I was so hopeful, but I was still only 1 cm dilated. I cried the rest of the day. I was so tired of being pregnant and so ready to meet our baby! At my 39 week appointment, I decided to have them strip my membranes. I thought for sure I would go into labor after that. Nope. I waited all of Labor Day weekend thinking it would be the perfect time to have a baby. The midwife told me I could come back on Tuesday after my 39 week appointment and have my membranes stripped again. We were the first ones in the office Tuesday morning. We waited forever and then found out I had high blood pressure, protein in my urine, and a UTI. They told me I needed to do a 24 hour urine sample and that if there were any problems, I may have to be induced, AND they stripped my membranes. Not a fun day. The midwife told me to come back the next day to strip my membranes again. Wednesday morning, September 4th, I woke up, washed my hair for the first time in like 5 days, got ready and went straight to the midwives. My mom came with me, since Clay had class. Sue was the midwife in the office that day and she checked me and said I was dilated to a 3 and 90% effaced and that I could schedule an elective induction for the NEXT day, if I wanted, which was my due date. Clay's mom had booked a flight the night before to come out on my due date, so I said maybe we could schedule an induction for Friday, so she could be here. AND, the midwife stripped my membranes for the third time!
As we are leaving the midwives office and walking out to the car, I feel this huge gush! I said, "Uh, mom, something is coming out! Wait, A LOT is coming out! I think my water just broke!" Literally, my jeans were soaked down to my knees (PS this whole post is probably going to be TMI and really long!). My mom said, "Come on! Let's go back up there!" I was not about to walk back into that office looking like I had just wet myself. I still wasn't sure that I hadn't. So, my mom runs back up there and tells the receptionist my water broke and she said to go straight to Labor and Delivery and that she would let the midwife know! Sue was on-call at the hospital that night, which was who I wanted to deliver me! Everyone in the office cheered!
I was so excited and nervous that maybe it wasn't my water. I called Clay and told him and he was on his way to class, he thought it would be a while before the baby came and decided to go to class! My mom and I go to Labor and Delivery at Orem Community and check in around 12. I was not having any contractions at this point, so I felt really weird being in there! I was completely fine.
My very last belly shot, arriving at the hospital! 39 weeks, 6 days!
They took me to my room, I put the gown on and they checked to make sure it was amniotic fluid. The first time they checked it was negative. I was seriously so embarrassed, but they used another strip and sure enough it was positive! I was going to have this baby in the next 24 hours! They hooked up the monitors and we waited 2 hours to see if I would progress on my own. At 2 PM, they checked me and I had not progressed at all, but was having small contractions so they decided to give me pitocin to get the ball rolling. I had heard horror stories about pitocin contractions so I was really scared for the pain! I called Clay at this point, and told him that I could progress really fast and that he needed to come to the hospital. My dad had already been at the hospital for a while at this point. When Clay got to the hospital, he and my dad have me a blessing. I was so glad that they were both there to do that and I felt a lot of peace.
(some of the pictures are really blurry, my parents are not photographers!)
After the pitocin, the contractions really picked up, but I still could not really feel them. It just felt like pressure, but nothing too intense. They kept increasing the dosage of pitocin until the contractions were close together and intense enough. The nurse came back to check and said that they would not give me more pitocin, but that the contractions were close enough and strong enough already. At this point, I still was not in tremendous pain, I could definitely feel them, but I could still talk through them. My dad decided to go get Mexican food for them. PS, I had only eaten a frozen waffle for breakfast and was starving and could not eat anything. Just when my dad walks in with the stinky Mexican food, the contractions start getting BAD! They had to take the food out because it was making me nauseous. I decided I needed the epidural RIGHT then. The pain was seriously awful. It felt like my insides were going to rip open. I did not know how I would make it through the next contraction and it felt like there was no break in between contractions. It didn't take long for the anesthesiologist to come in and get things set up. I really don't remember the epidural hurting that badly. It felt like a pinch and about 15 minutes later I felt so much better! I got the epidural around 4:30. They checked me right after and I was still only dilated to about a 3! I could not believe it. All that pain and I did not progress at all?! They said they would be back in an hour. At 5:30 or 6, the midwife comes in and checks me and is surprised to find that I was already dilated to a 9!! She said she wanted to let me "rest and descend" and that I could probably start pushing in an hour!
Feeling good AFTER the epidural.
After an hour, I started pushing. Pushing was SO hard! I thought I was going to die and that I could not do it anymore. I pushed and pushed and pushed for about an hour! I started feeling the contractions so much that I was getting so nauseous from the pain that I threw up. I asked if I could take a break from pushing and they said I could get more epidural. I took about a 30-45 minute break and got more epidural, which definitely took the edge off. During the break, I was in tears thinking I was never going to be able to push this baby out. I asked Clay for another blessing and we had my dad come in and he gave me the sweetest blessing. He told me that Heavenly Father was aware of my circumstances and the pain that I was in and that He was proud of me and that I could do it and that the joy would be greater than the pain. Soon after, I started pushing again and praying and praying that this would be THE push! After 17 minutes, at 9:35 PM, Hudson Kimball George entered this world!
I cannot begin to describe how I felt. Sue put him on my chest immediately and I started crying. He was screaming and I just wanted to help him and hold him and tell him how much I love him over and over again. Clay cut the cord and they took him to check him out and clean him up. He was absolutely perfect and looked just like his daddy. It was such a surreal moment. They cleaned him up and brought him back to me and he immediately looked up at me and started nursing right away! It was the sweetest thing and I knew that he knew me and I knew that he was mine and I am so glad to be his mommy!
More to come later!
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