Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The latest and greatest...

Clay had a week break from school after Spring Semester before Summer started. It was heaven. We slept in together, he made us breakfast (yes, he makes me breakfast every morning pretty much!), we baby shopped and checked some things off the to-do list, we finally got barstools and hung shelves in the kitchen, and had lots of fun! I feel like one of those needy wives because I seriously want to spend every minute of every day with him. I beg him not to go to the gym every night because I just want him to stay home with me! I know, I'm a big baby and things will definitely change when he is working full time one day. He is my favorite person to be with and he always makes my days wonderful. Now, he is back in school for the Summer and taking calculus and business law right now. So far, he loves it. Hope it stays that way!

Clay spoiled me for Mother's Day, even though I didn't deserve it. He made me breakfast in bed and got me a cute little baby tie and a gift card for a pregnancy massage at my favorite spa (I could probably walk to it... it's a little too convenient!). We went to church and they spoiled us at church, too! We got basically a whole meal in Relief Society, complete with chocolate covered strawberries, my favorite things ever! I have been craving strawberries like crazy. Then, we went to my parents' house and my dad made ribs and we had a lovely little summer meal on the back porch! I love Sundays at my parents' house. I love having them close. I am grateful for my sweet mom and all that she does for me! I don't know where I would be without her! She is so selfless and helpful all of the time. She has been my biggest cheerleader and my best friend for as long as I can remember. I am also grateful for my mother-in-law. I could not ask for a more loving, kind-hearted, generous mother-in-law. She's the best! I wish Florida and Utah were closer!

I am now 24 weeks pregnant and getting more and more excited for our little baby to get here! I know we still have almost 4 months, but I am getting anxious to get everything done! So far, we have a lot of clothes, the crib in pieces (my sister gave us her crib!), and a few odds and ends. Can I just say that shopping for baby stuff is so overwhelming?! For every piece of baby gear, there are about 5,000 options. Clay and I have been to Buy Buy Baby a few times and have only bought one thing. Sophie the Giraffe. It's crazy. I am trying to decide on a carseat and stroller right now. Oh my gosh. I have researched and researched and researched and I have no idea what I am doing. Then, there are swings and bouncers and pack and plays and high chairs and all this other stuff. And millions of reviews. I mean people write novels about strollers. Have you ever read Amazon reviews? Seriously, nuts. Anyway, I have narrowed it down to a few options and hopefully, we can find someone helpful at Buy Buy Baby next time to help us out.

As far as the pregnancy goes, I am feeling great now. Like I said before, I have been craving strawberries like none other and also raspberries. They are so good. I can't get enough! I am also loving all of the baby kicks and punches! He is especially active at night, when I am laying on my side. I can see my stomach move now when he kicks! It's so amazing! We had our 24 week appointment today and baby boy is healthy and strong! We heard his heartbeat (155 bpm)! The midwife could tell the position he is in, head down right now, but I know he will still be doing lots of flips before his big debut! We love our little boy so much already! I can't wait to hold him and kiss his little cheeks all day long. 


  1. Okay, I am no expert on baby gear, but trust me when I say: GET A SIMPLE HIGH CHAIR. Simple and plain. Seriously. When before Jax was born and when he was brand new, I wanted everything really padded and comfy and "cushy," but high chairs are A PAIN to clean. We got one that's nice and padded and it is such a pain. I have to like scrape all the crevices out with toothpicks! hahaha. Plus, when they're big enough for a highchair, you won't be worried about them being padded and comfy, you will be worried about them crawling out of it hahaha. I want a new one for the next baby. I haven't looked at a ton, but I love the one at Nordstrom. Some of the simple modern ones are ugly and look way too modern-y, but McKay and I like the Nordies one so far. I'm sure there are lots of others. Sorry for the novel. I'm really passionate about this lol.

    1. Thanks, Ali! I kind of just like the cheap simple IKEA ones! They have like a wooden one that looks nice. It's hard for me not want everything soft and cushiony though! Haha

  2. I remember feeling like this with all the baby gear! Here's a couple tips... Keep it simple. I love my lightweight Chico stroller without all the gadgets. What really matters is that I can fold it up easy and it fits in between everything when rolling. Also make sure everything is returnable. Keep your receipts. No matter how much you research, it may not work for your baby or your personality. Good luck my dear!

    1. Thanks, Lacey! I know all babies are different and like different things, so I am definitely keeping all of my receipts. I seriously only want to buy things at places with good return policies.

  3. You probably don't want baby gear advice, but here's my two cents: Invest in a few good things (stroller & glider were my two splurges and I don't regret spending $$ on them at all) and then don't bother with a lot of the other stuff (bouncer, swing, saucer, all those other things) until baby actually gets here and you can see what he likes/doesn't like. We borrowed someone's swing and Capri hated I was glad I didn't spend the $180 I was thinking about spending. haha

    And clothes. I bought so many clothes! But now I wanna buy more clothes because she's here. Maybe I just like to shop?? I'm always worried the sizes I bought will be for the wrong season, etc. but I've only bought one thing that she outgrew before she could wear it. Last thing, I didn't really buy newborn clothes because I figured she would be big and go straight to 0-3. Not true. She was big (almost 9 lbs) but she still needed newborn for like the first month at least.

    Okay, I'm going to shut up now. I look like one of those people writing an amazon review with my novel comment.

    1. I appreciate all the advice I can get! Thanks, Holly! I remember you saying Capri wore NB clothes for a while, so I am still buying NB size stuff! I think my baby will be like 10 lbs though. Haha the sizes and seasons things always worries me too! Hopefully, I'm doing it right. Haha

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