This is how I remember it:
It was a Sunday and I went to my BYU singles ward, then to my council meeting afterward.
Clay picked me up at my meeting and we went to my parents' house to eat, like we do every Sunday. It was FREEZING that day- snowy/rainy/windy. Probably my least favorite weather. Clay wanted to drive up to the Draper Temple because he had never been up to it. I had written him about it on his mission because I had gone to the open house twice and I loved it. I, of course, didn't want to go that day because it was so snowy and cold and I knew we wouldn't be able to see anything. I wanted to go the next day because we didn't have school. Clay was weirdly adamant about it. He said he had tons of homework to do the next day and that I had already told him we could go that day. For a guy that is not usually opinionated about that stuff, I was a little skeptical, but still didn't want to go.
After dinner, I helped my mom clean the kitchen and she leaned over to me and said, "maybe you should just go today."
That was weird, but okay.
We left my parents' house and drove up to Draper. I guess I was in a bad mood because I didn't want to go, so neither one of us said much. Clay kept clearing his throat and rubbing his eyes. I thought, Why is he acting so nervous? Maybe he is going to propose? But he can't, we just looked at rings again last night. He could not have possibly gotten one made already. Plus, I already told him not to propose outside when it is freezing cold and that I want to look cute when he proposes, so I know he is not proposing... I said, "what's wrong?" He says, "nothing, I just have something in my eye." Um, okay...
So, we finally got to the temple. It's was even colder and windier up there, and by now it was dark. We drove around it and I'm like, okay let's go. You saw it. Not what he had in mind. He wanted to get out and walk around. Nooooooo!! It's FREEZING, I curled my hair today, it's going to get frizzy! I finally got out of his truck, he dragged me up the hill on the side through what felt like a blizzard at the top of Mount Everest. We walked to the front of the doors, in front of the gates and he started holding me closely... And telling me a lot of sweet things. How he jokes around a lot, but how he loves me and he wants to bring me here one day and marry me. I thought the whole time that he was not going to propose, so I said the rudest thing:
"Then, when are you going to propose???"
I immediately felt like an idiot.
He got down on one knee pulled out the ring box, opened it up and asked the 4 words every girl dreams of hearing her entire life:
"Will you marry me?"
I was in shock. I was shaking (partly because it was so freaking cold). It was one of those surreal moments. I teared up, said yes, of course, and we hugged for a few minutes.
I put the ring on and we ran back to the car. Since it was dark, I couldn't see the ring, so I remember pulling out my cell phone to use it as a light. The ring was beautiful. It was one of the first ones that I had tried on and fell in love with immediately. He had taken it to a custom jeweler and had it made with even more special details than the original one. I loved it!
We immediately called all of our family and friends, sent out mass texts, and of course changed our facebook statuses... :)
I remember sitting in class, days after and just staring at my ring, in disbelief. I was really engaged to my best friend and we were finally getting married, after what seemed like a very long journey...
We immediately called all of our family and friends, sent out mass texts, and of course changed our facebook statuses... :)
I remember sitting in class, days after and just staring at my ring, in disbelief. I was really engaged to my best friend and we were finally getting married, after what seemed like a very long journey...
I love this boy.
So sweet! I love you guys! AND I miss you too! I am so glad that Clay asked you to marry him and well, you did! You two are great! SEE YOU SOON! Love you!!