Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday

1. Clay is out of school for almost an entire month for Christmas break! I am so excited! Bring on more Netflix marathons, more morning cuddles, and more trips to Target (haha, his favorite!)!

2. Pretty Little Liars is addicting. Clay and I just started watching it on Netflix and we are hooked! I really scored when I married someone who likes girl shows. Seriously, it's the best.

3. Pears are delicious. So are clementines. Need I say more?

4. I'm so excited for Clay's family to come for Christmas in less than 10 days!

5. I know this is dumb, but I really can't stop thinking about how I want a tribal print sweater. I know, I know. It's really dumb, but I have wanted one for so long and I can't find one that is not like 80+ dollars that I like. Life's little struggles...

6. I'm loving my bathrobe today. I got this super classy looking fleece robe at TJ Maxx the other day. It's black and white plaid... super classy, like I said... but oh my gosh is it comfy!

7. I've been lounging in said robe all day... thanks to this stupid sickness. My immune system has been MIA for the past month. This is the second time I have been sick this month. Not okay. I'm ready to be able to breathe out of my nose again and to not sound like a smoker...

8. I hate XBOX.