I have always had a tender place in my heart for Elder Richard G. Scott's talks, when he speaks about his sweet wife and their marriage. I have always said that I want a marriage like that. I found this video a couple of days ago and I love it. I can't watch it without tearing up a little bit. It is so important in a marriage, in a family, and even in friendships to express love and appreciation. Something I learned a few years ago, is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so relational. It is all about our relationships with others and emulating the love of Christ in all that we do and say. There is good in everyone and in every situation. In learning to love others, we learn so much about ourselves and our relationship with Christ is strengthened.
Today, in fast and testimony meeting, 3 babies were blessed and their families bore testimonies about eternal families and the temple. They spoke about several deaths that they have had recently in their family and how comforting it is to know that families are forever. I too, am so grateful for this knowledge. I am grateful for my wonderful husband who shows me his love for me every single day. I am grateful for the sweet notes he leaves me in the bathroom, on my laptop, in the refrigerator (that one took me a few days to find), and on my pillow. I am grateful that he cleans up without being asked, that he brings me food, gets out my vitamins for me, puts up with me never closing the linen closet door and leaving my clothes on the floor sometimes because he loves me. I am grateful to know that we are sealed for all eternity and that we will be together forever. I continue to fall more and more in love with him every day and I am proud of the man he is and the man he is becoming.
I am grateful for our wonderful families who love and support us in all that we do. They are great examples to us and we appreciate all that they do for us.
I feel very blessed.
This is so sweet! I feel the same way! :)