Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Good Life

I need to start taking pictures, but until then, here is an update on our wonderful newlywed life:

1. We went to Florida the week before school started. We had such a great time seeing Clay's family and some of our friends. The beach was beautiful and I miss it. A lot. 

2. School started and is now in full force! This is my last semester and I am realizing how much I am going to miss BYU. My classes are going well and I am enjoying being busy again and doing productive things every day. Clay has a pretty tough load this semester. We are getting used to seeing less of each other, but even going to school is more fun when you are married! 

3. Clay quit his job at Nordstrom. Yesterday was his last day. RIP Nordstrom discount... you will be greatly missed. It will be nice to actually be able to be on a normal schedule together, for the first time in our married life. No more 4 PM lunches and 10 PM dinners. :)

4. We got called to be Primary teachers in our ward and it is so much fun! We love our class already and it is only our third week. They are so cute and we can really feel the Spirit in a much different way. There is something so sweet about little kids talking about spiritual things. They are so pure and innocent, it really is a reminder of how we should be, even as we grow up. 

5. We are really excited to go out to Roosevelt to see my sister and her family this weekend! We miss them so much and it is so quiet at family dinners on Sundays. It will be great to get to spend some time with the girls and to craft with my sister! :) We are making Halloween decorations! 

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