Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Ok, so I have been a horrible blogger lately and I am going to try to change that.
I really want this to be a place to document what's going on in our lives, even when it is not all that exciting. I want it to just be us. I want to be able to read this blog in 10 years and think that was what my life was like when Clay and I had only been married a year and a half...

So, here it is: the good, the bad, and the ugly (that sounds really dramatic, but I promise it won't be that dramatic).

The Good: So, I need to preface this with a little story, so you can fully appreciate how good this was. Clay is doing this awful really healthy diet. Basically, he only eats meat, veggies, and fruit. NO SUGAR. Like none, ever, unless it is natural sugar. His idea of a dessert is anything that involves peanut butter, oats, protein powder, flax seed, almond milk, etc. Saturday night we were out on a date night (pretty much every night is date night when you don't have kids, right?) and I told him I really wanted a good dessert. He said, "yeah, me too, let's make some protein cookies when we get home." Seriously, anything with the word protein in it is not a GOOD dessert in my book. I looked at him funny, so then he says, "or we could make this protein pumpkin pie?" Again, NOT a GOOD dessert. I ended up getting some fruit mousse thing at the restaurant and eating it all myself, even though it was not very good. On the way home, we passed Krispy Kreme (home of an actual GOOD dessert). Yep, we just passed by it. Guess what was waiting on the counter this afternoon?? 3 Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I love my husband. 

The Bad: I am trying really hard not to eat the third one right now.

The Ugly: I am going to go eat it now.

Welcome to our lives.


  1. if this would have been me, i would have eaten them in one sitting. also, keep sharing sweet things like this about clay. it's a whole other side of him i don't know!

  2. I love this! You guys are so cute :)
