Monday, February 13, 2012

Family Sunday Dinner

Yesterday, I made BLT's for our family dinner.
Usually we have something a little fancier, but I had made these BLT's Thursday night for my dad and he wanted them again. I found the recipe on pinterest (of course!).
They are kind of a fancy BLT. My dad and Carter said they were the best they ever had.
They involve four-hour-slow-roasted Roma tomatoes, crispy bacon, basil mayo, lettuce, and toasty bread. You should probably, no definitely try them! Go here to find the recipe. 

The bread doesn't look toasted at all, but I promise it was at least a little bit toasted!
They were pretty good, if I do say so myself.
AND I do (I am my mother after all!).

We were so happy to have my mom back with us yesterday.
She went to Florida for almost 3 weeks to take care of my Grandma who had to have brain surgery.
She is doing somewhat better, but we are praying for more improvement.
We sure missed my mom, though!

I still think he is REALLY cute! :)

My mom proudly swype texting.

She's pretty cute, too! :)

AND, we still LOVE each other!!

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