Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our First Home

So, I finally got around to taking pictures of our first apartment!
We had so much fun decorating it together (well my mom, sister, and I did :)).
It is still a work in progress, but here it is!

My sister MADE this pillow for us and we love it! Thanks, Taylor!

Master Bedroom

Our second closet bedroom

The bedrooms still need a lot of help; I will do follow-up posts on them!
Being done with school and looking for a job leaves me a lot of free time, 
so I am sure I will be working on them soon.
We are so happy in our little home, of course I'd be happy anywhere as long as Clay is there! :)


  1. Aw! I am glad you posted pictures. Its the cutest apartment ever!!

  2. Haley! Oh my gosh SO CUTE! You three need to get your bums over here and help me now!!

  3. Thanks, Caylie and congrats on the baby! :)
