Friday, December 2, 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to go to Time Out For Women with my sister and two of her friends. Thanks, Taylor, for letting your little sister tag along!

It was a great weekend and I left truly inspired to change a few things. 
I heard some fabulous speakers and singers! Sheri Dew, Stephanie Nielson, Brad Wilcox, Laurel Christiansen, Hilary Weeks, Jericho Road- just to name a few!

The theme this year was "To Become"; the challenge was to decide what you wanted to become and work towards that goal. Hearing such wonderful speakers and testimonies of the love and power of Jesus Christ was exactly what I needed.

One speaker spoke about how we can become happy. She spoke about focusing on our strengths and not letting our weaknesses tear us down or make us feel inadequate. One of my favorite things she said was: "don't try to be happy, try to be grateful!"

Just thinking of all that I am blessed with makes me so happy.
I am blessed with a knowledge of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ that brings me indescribable peace and happiness even in the midst of trials.
I am blessed with a Saint of a husband who cherishes and loves me more than I thought anyone could.
I am blessed with such a wonderful and supportive family.
I am blessed with true friends that are always there to listen and to help me be a better person.
I am blessed to have a warm home, a dishwasher, washer and dryer, and a comfy bed.
I am blessed to be able to go to BYU and get an education, but also receive a spiritual foundation.

So, today, I am choosing to be grateful!


  1. Love this Haley! And I am happy to hear that Clay is treating you so good! :)

  2. Thanks, Lacey! You have a wonderful cousin, I really like him! haha :)
