Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Married Halloween

A couple of weeks ago we went to Roosevelt to visit my sister and her family.
She hosted the cutest Halloween Party ever with her neighbor. 
My sister's middle name should have been Martha (or maybe even her first name).
We were so excited to get to go and to spend time with them!
Clay and I have always had so much fun dressing up for Halloween together! 

We were planning on going to a few more Halloween parties this past weekend,
but we ended up having to stay home because I got sick.
So, we spent Halloween weekend with me in bed with a horrible sore throat, cold, and fever. 
It was not a very fun weekend. 
At least I had the cutest and sweetest nurse ever to take care of me.
We are glad we at least got to go to one Halloween party this year and wear our costumes!

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!