Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Birthday Fun in St. Louis!

After staying in Keokuk, Iowa for 2 nights, we were about done with it. That town is probably the smallest town I have ever stayed in. They had a Walmart and about 5 fast food places, but that was about it. We were so ready to leave; so we changed our reservations, pricelined a hotel in St. Louis and made the drive to St. Louis right after the sealing. And I am SO GLAD we did!

We loved St. Louis! So much culture, so many good restaurants, and so much good shopping! What's not to love?
We got into St. Louis at about 8:30 PM and were starving. We checked into our hotel and asked the concierge about good restaurants, she talked for about 20 minutes (we could barely understand her, very thick southern/New Orleans or something accent) and we still didn't know where to go. So, we took all of the brochures back to the room and made an educated guess and headed about a block from our hotel to a restaurant called Mossaic, which had tapas or small plates. It was SO GOOD. We were very impressed. I really wish we would have taken pictures!
Then, the next day was my birthday! We slept in, got ready and went to lunch at the Hill, which is an Italian neighborhood that was so cute! There are 32 authentic Italian restaurants there and so many cute little houses!
We read reviews and chose to go to Antonino's (or something like that). BEST ITALIAN FOOD EVER. Yes, I realize I am getting really excited about all of this food, but it was so good!

Mine was the best. I had never had real authentic freshly made pasta and it was delicious:

After lunch, we found an Italian Bakery and a little gelato place and got some birthday goodies (I'm just going to blame all of the calories I ate that day/the whole trip on my birthday... that works, right?!).

Clay wouldn't eat any :(... but he is still really cute! :)

After that, we met up with the newlyweds to try to go to the top of the Arch. We went there, walked a mile in 100 degrees plus 500% humidity, waited in line, went through security to find out the next tour was in like an hour and a half. No thank you. So we left.

 Leah was so happy about how hot it was. We all were.

Trying to figure out where to go.

Then, to keep up with my birthday tradition, we went shopping at the Galleria!
To finish off the day, we went to dinner at Salt. It was in an old house, which was really cool and the food was good, kinda on the weird side, so of course Clay loved it!

We really enjoyed our little taste of St. Louis!
Thanks to Clay and Janet for making my birthday such a great day!
We flew to Panama City the next day to stay with Clay's family for about a week and a half and to go to Leah's reception! Post on that coming soon!

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